On Thu, 21 Nov 2013 16:11:16 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 21.11.2013 15:53, schrieb Manu Evans:

It seems I can't use '-' blocks beneath ':' blocks, for instance:

  var x = 0;
  - #{ "var y = " ~ d_variable ~ ";" }
  var arr = [
  - foreach(x; things)
    #{ x ~ "," }

You get the idea... these don't seem to be getting executed, they're just pasted verbatim into the javascript.
Is there a better approach?

Currently the only way that will work is to use a normal script node and
'|' for the text:

	|var x = 0
	|var y = #{d_variable};
	|var arr = [
	- foreach(x; things)
		| #{x},

Ah, of course. So obvious!

The issue with :filters is that runtime and compile time processing get
mixed up when D code gets inserted due to the way they are currently
implemented. That should be improved, but the priority for that so far
is quite low compared to other features/bugs.
