On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:11:44 GMT, zhaopuming wrote:

  1. A better editor. I love markdown, so it would be nice to have a markdown editor with live preview. similar to stackedit

  2. make the database layer independent on databases. First I'd like to add plain .md file support.

  3. Move more logic into the front end. (Yes, ajax and all those crazy javascript stuff)

What do you think? I'd like that it stays within the line of vibelog, so I don't want to do a fork that would go too far away.

If you pre-approve what should be done first, I'll start doing it.

I think it has the same potential as ghost/nodejs. Or even wordpress.

I think the ideal would be a blog engine that uses TinyMCE or CKEditor for its HTML posts. There's quite a lot of stuff missing before then like js minification, cache engines, common library hooks and storage for creating components like "building blocks" to add template management, typography, switching editors, administrative modules, etc. without breaking anything

I've been building a backbone for a web framework that could host such a thing (it's called spee-d, it uses cache-d as a hierarchical distributed cache for cloud integration) and, so blogs are my first priority but about 1 month away from being developed right now.