Am 15.01.2014 22:53, schrieb Guillaume Couture-Levesque:

I'm trying to get a vibe server running with hibernated, but I'm running into this issue with mysql-native.

I've checked out ddbc and hibernated locally to modify hibernated's package.json to use the version of ddbc that uses mysql-native 0.0.10. I've also got ddbc locally so that I can modify which version of mysql-native it uses, as mentioned here
With 0.0.10 I get this error:

0.0.10 is still missing vibe-d as an optional dependency. It should work
for "dub --combined", but generally it's broken in that regard.

And with 0.0.12 I get this error:

 The following changes will be performed:
 Fetch mysql-native ==0.0.12, userWide
 Fetching mysql-native 0.0.12...
 Placing mysql-native 0.0.12 to /Users/gcl/.dub/packages/...
 Error executing command run: Assertion failure

Any idea how to fix this?

Can you run DUB with the -v argument to see if there is a stack trace
for the assertion? If that doesn't give a hint, I'd need a reproduction
case (at minimum, the package description files of your root project and
of the modified ddbc package) to take a look locally.