I'm trying to get a vibe server running with hibernated, but I'm running into this issue with mysql-native.

I've checked out ddbc and hibernated locally to modify hibernated's package.json to use the version of ddbc that uses mysql-native 0.0.10. I've also got ddbc locally so that I can modify which version of mysql-native it uses, as mentioned here https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/mysql-native/issues/16
With 0.0.10 I get this error:

The following changes will be performed:
Fetch mysql-native ==0.0.10, userWide
Fetching mysql-native 0.0.10...
Placing mysql-native 0.0.10 to /Users/gcl/.dub/packages/...
Checking dependencies in '/Users/gcl/work/BVGSlots/dserver'
Target is up to date. Using existing build in /Users/gcl/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.19-beta.2/.dub/build/libevent-debug-x86_64-dmd-BA79C943D1C651A61CF2EEA285726550/. Use --force to force a rebuild.
Building mysql-native configuration "library", build type debug.
Running dmd...
../../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.10/source/mysql/db.d(8): Error: module connectionpool is in file 'vibe/core/connectionpool.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = ../../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.10/source
import path[1] = /usr/share/dmd/src/phobos
import path[2] = /usr/share/dmd/src/druntime/import
FAIL ../../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.10/.dub/build/library-debug-x86_64-dmd-11690523DF5D280EC18C058BCAEA55A4 mysql-native staticLibrary
Error executing command run: DMD compile run failed with exit code 1

And with 0.0.12 I get this error:

The following changes will be performed:
Fetch mysql-native ==0.0.12, userWide
Fetching mysql-native 0.0.12...
Placing mysql-native 0.0.12 to /Users/gcl/.dub/packages/...
Error executing command run: Assertion failure

Any idea how to fix this?