Am 29.08.2014 21:14, schrieb Philippe Sigaud:

On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 20:55:19 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

How does that work? What if I create a v0.1.1 tag, which I don't want being referred to?

That's not possible right now, it will always be picked up if it's a
valid SemVer string prefixed by "v". But you could name it just "0.1.1"
or "x0.1.1" to avoid that, or, probably better, name it as a pre-release
version, such as "v0.1.1-alpha.1" or similar. People will be able to
refer to it, but DUB won't automatically use it unless --prerelease is
explicitly specified.

Thanks for your detailed answer. That was stupid of me anyway. If I use a SemVer tag, of course I want people to refer to it.

It's good to know I can use other tags and that DUB won't catch it. I sometimes tag commits in dev branches.

Btw, does DUB scan all branches or only the 'master' one?

It always scans all branches and all tags (no matter which branch(es)
they are on). Maybe at some point it will be changed to only scan for
tags and not look at branches anymore at all, but that still needs to be