On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 20:55:19 +0200, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

How does that work? What if I create a v0.1.1 tag, which I don't want being referred to?

That's not possible right now, it will always be picked up if it's a
valid SemVer string prefixed by "v". But you could name it just "0.1.1"
or "x0.1.1" to avoid that, or, probably better, name it as a pre-release
version, such as "v0.1.1-alpha.1" or similar. People will be able to
refer to it, but DUB won't automatically use it unless --prerelease is
explicitly specified.

Thanks for your detailed answer. That was stupid of me anyway. If I use a SemVer tag, of course I want people to refer to it.

It's good to know I can use other tags and that DUB won't catch it. I sometimes tag commits in dev branches.

Btw, does DUB scan all branches or only the 'master' one?

Done. Should show up in your "My packages" list now.

Yes, I see it. Thanks a lot for your great work!