On Wed, 05 Mar 2014 17:07:53 GMT, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

Hi all,

I know dub was designed to overcome distro packaging, but in order to get some packages into Debian (specifically I'm interested in getting vibe.d), I have to get its dependencies in Debian first.
So basically I have to replicate dub's workflow while creating Debian packages.

So I'd like to understand how it works, I see that it depends on openssl and libev (amongst others).
In most of the packages I see two directories, C and deimos.

Could someone explain to me, for example, what should be the preferred way to package those? Should I package dub and make it build and install the files in some prefixed directory and just package that and copy it to a system wide directory (like /usr/include/d/ or something else)?

I would be prepared to package and maintain many of those packages in Debian (I am a Debian developer myself) but I'd like to understand what would be the best way to do it. I also currently took over maintainance of ldc in Debian, so I have an interest in providing better support for the D language in the distribution eventually.



Just to add a bit to the things already said, our current direction on how to integrate DUB with system libraries is roughly described in this github comment. The basic idea is to not try to turn DUB packages into DEB (or similar) packages, but rather just augment all bindings packages, such as the "openssl" one with system specific dependencies.

However, at some point I'd love to have all information necessary to build system packages available in the DUB package description, so that a "dub create-deb-package" command becomes possible. But this has so many implications if done properly for all platforms, that it is more a long-term idea than a concrete plan.