On Sat, 08 Mar 2014 21:24:19 GMT, Konstantinos Margaritis wrote:

On Wed, 05 Mar 2014 18:13:57 GMT, Dicebot wrote:

Lot of dub packages are source libraries though (including vibe.d) - it is enough to just copy necessary module and define dependencies to get a usable package. Example of dub-free packaging I do for vibe.d in Arch : https://github.com/Dicebot/Arch-PKGBUILDs/blob/master/vibed/PKGBUILD (a bit outdated, oops!)

Ok, after some messing around with that, I managed to produce working packages of openssl, libevent2 library and to a point, vibe.d. The first 2 install fine (in /usr/include/d/common as you suggested) and are found fine in the include path. vibe.d is also installed there and also found without problems, but I seem to be getting link errors (it's expecting a library I guess), is there supposed to be a library built with vibe.d? It's not obvious from your Arch recipe if a library is being built.

What kind of linking errors? Application written using vibe.d need to be linked to libevent and openssl. dub takes care of it automatically but for stand-alone package I have written this simple runner script: https://github.com/Dicebot/Arch-PKGBUILDs/blob/master/vibed/viberun

vibe.d itself can be pre-built as a static library to speed up compilation of user code but it is not necessary