On Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:55:41 GMT, Etienne Cimon wrote:

On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 21:43:25 GMT, tchaloupka wrote:

I want to use sqlite with vibe.d but I'm aware of it blocking the fiber with its IO ops.
What is the recomended way to use it then? I've read that DB drivers need to be written in the async way using vibe.d's TcpConnection and FileStream, but what to do with sqlite's C API where this is handled internally?

Make some working threads out of main fiber thread and use them to access the DB? What is then the preffered way to exchange the data with less possible overhead?


If you have a small database, there's a good chance that all your data will end up in page file cache from the kernel.

Note that while read operations might not block due to page cache, frequent write operations could justify a thread pool