On Mon, 01 Dec 2014 17:00:35 GMT, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:

I understand your point and believe you know what you are talking about, just to mention that for average projects this LUA-TURBO offer a good tradeoff between complexity/speed of development/performance.

I put it here to show that other people is pushing the bar high with less complexity and same/better performance.

I've been a dynamic language programmer, and I have to admit they're pretty damn fast when you just need to render a page.

Problem is, I never use it for rendering a page. I use it with a content management system. And I don't want to have to rewrite if I scale.

Reminds me of this:

@spolsky: Digg: 200MM page views, 500 servers. Stack Overflow: 60MM page views, 5 servers.

What am I missing? << That's the PHP factor
