On Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:49:57 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

On Wed, 15 Oct 2014 15:47:42 GMT, Julien Ganichot wrote:


I am currently using the REST api with vibe.d

I want to chage the status code of specific routes depending on what happens but I can't seem to find a way to do this directly with the REST interface, is there a keyword corresponding to it like @path?


There are currently two ways to achieve this:

  • throw a HTTPStatusException with the appropriate status code
  • use @after to get direct access to the response object

The second option should work similar to this:

interface MyService {
	static void setReturnCode(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
		res.statusCode = 201;

	void getSomeResource();

Both solutions may not be very nice in certain situations, so I think there should be another way to achieve the same result, but simpler. Maybe by encoding it in the return value, using an out parameter, or by adding higher level attributes (@createsResource, @processesAsynchronously, @resourceType!(RT.create)) or a low level attribute (@httpStatusCode). Do you (or anyone else) have an opinion on this?

Once again, @after is on the interface to do server-side work. Unless it's handled on the class level, I'd say, don't use it.

As per the return code, this is a problem that has been discussed previously. IIRC, Dicebot take on this subject is that exception-based handling is awfully slow (and wrong, in case you return a 2XX response).

It's a problem I've been exploring, and I don't believe an additional parameter would be the solution, for the exact same reason : it's on the interface while the return code is server specific.

In addition, the return code might depend on the function. The current solution I'm exploring is to allow a special behavior based on the return type, something along those lines:

interface MyApi {
  RestResponse!string getMessage();
class MyApiImpl : MyApi{
  override RestResponse!string getMessage() {
    // Works, as RestResponse will be a struct.
    // Return code is 200.
    return "Test";
    // Return code is 204.
    return null; // Or "", as null == ""
    // Full control over the return.
    return RestResponse!string("Wait for it...", 202);