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Visual D Generation

I'm having trouble generating a Visual D project when referencing vibe.d user-wide on Windows 7. Steps to reproduce:

  1. "dub init <project>"
  2. Change package.json to reference vibe-d package
  3. "dub generate visuald"- vibe.d package and references will be downloaded and added to user directory (ex C:\Users\
  4. Open generated solution
  5. Add skeleton vibe style app.d and views (taken from here:
  6. Build solution, build will fail

If you look at the output for building the vibe-d project it is something like this:

------ Rebuild All started: Project: vibe-d, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
Building .dub\lib\vibe-d_d.lib...
Error: Error reading file '.dub\obj\Debug\vibe-d\C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\dub\packages\vibe-d-0.7.16\source\vibe\core\drivers\libev.obj'
Building .dub\lib\vibe-d_d.lib failed!

Is there something I'm missing?

Re: Visual D Generation

To be clear the dub command builds fine, of course. I use the Visual D projects to build while working- just to do quick checks without having to go through the dub command/browser loop.

Re: Visual D Generation

This seems to be a bug in VisualD with absolute source file paths. A
workaround is to set the compilation mode of the project to "Combined
compile and link".

I'll see if a different workaround is possible and have added a ticket
for VisualD:

Re: Visual D Generation

The workaround works great. Thanks.

Also thanks for creating the Visual D ticket- I didn't have a lot of time to do research on this so it's very appreciated.

Another tweak I've found with the project generation is by default *.json files are set to be cleaned up in the main project. This ens up deleting the packages.json file when the project is cleaned or rebuilt. You can easily remove it from the cleanup list in the project settings, but if dub has any say in how that project gets generated it might be nice thing to leave out by default.

Re: Visual D Generation

Am 19.07.2013 14:44, schrieb Blake Anderton:

Another tweak I've found with the project generation is by default *.json files are set to be cleaned up in the main project. This ens up deleting the packages.json file when the project is cleaned or rebuilt. You can easily remove it from the cleanup list in the project settings, but if dub has any say in how that project gets generated it might be nice thing to leave out by default.

Good catch, thanks! I didn't see that behavior since the package.json
file was added to each generated project and forgot to research it (I
didn't notice the cleanup pattern list). Fixed now on git master.