Hello. Some time ago I explored vibe.d with MySQL (through hibernated), and faced with two annoying problem in mysql-native.

First is connected to Date structure. By default for undefined date I use zero-timestamp (0000-00-00 00:00:00). However, trying that I've got exception:

0 is not a valid month of the year

I guess it came from changes in std.datetime where 0 is not a valid month value now, because I can see next code in mysql-native source:

if (a[0] == 0)
        return Date(0,0,0);

Second problem is more complicated. It connected to losing rows in query result with using zero time of day (00:00:00). I have posted it as an issue in mysql-native tracker:

I have explored up to the Row constructor, where that results are getting lost, but unfortunately I still haven't enough knowledge to get the root of problem.

Thanks for your attention.