On Mon, 09 Dec 2013 11:11:35 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 09.12.2013 11:38, schrieb zhaopuming:> Hi Sönke,

Sorry for the repost, I incorrectly replied to myself in the last post...

There's a little problem when I tried ddb:

I want to try it with a simple project, so I

dub init hello

and then modified package.json to add "ddb" : "~master".

Then when I ran dub

it automatilly finds dependency vibe-d~master and then echos the error:

source/app.d(3): Error: only one main allowed

So using ddb changes the project to a vibe.d project, but I only want to do a simple void main() experiment.

Sorry, this is still a left-over from the times when RDMD was used for building vibe.d projects. You can add a "versions": ["VibeCustomMain"] to your package.json file to fix this.

Thanks, this works!

I'll try to remove the need for this, but unfortunately it would break a lot of existing projects, including the examples on the vibe.d homepage, if just done directly. Ideally DUB should auto-detect this using dependency tracking, like RDMD. Until it does, the situation is a bit sub-optimal.

I'm fine with the aforementioned workaround. Maybe you could put it in the docs. Or even directly in the dub init generated main function.

I checked the source code of ddb in https://github.com/etcimon/ddb/blob/master/package.json


It seems that one should be able to NOT use vibe.d (because to use vibe.d one should use version Have_vibe_d, right?).

Is there a config value in package.json to disable the dependency for vibe.d in dub, and then tells the ddb lib that we are not using version Have_vibe_d?

I've made a pull request to fix this in the original repository, it should have used an "optional": true parameter for the "vibe-d" dependency:


So if you want to use ddb without vibe.d, you can now do "dub upgrade" followed by "dub remove vibe-d" and it should run without Have_vibe_d defined.

Thanks :-)