On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 04:52:55 GMT, punkUser wrote:

Ah and now I've run into a slightly more serious problem... fibers don't like other fibers using "their" TcpConnections. That's going to be an issue, as there's several "broadcast"-like things that the server needs to do, and in fact not needing to do "safe" multithreaded code was part of the motivation for cooperative scheduling in the first place.

Is there a need for this restriction even when running in a purely single-threaded mode? Any easy way around it? I saw the broadcast example, but I'd rather not introduce explicit fiber message passing if I don't have to, since this didn't appear to be necessary on the old system.

I assume you're worried about certain yield points being at places where other use of the socket would cause issues, particularly stuff like closing the connection or similar. I suppose yielding when sending a particularly huge packet (if it does that) and then another fiber corrupting the data stream could be a concern as well, but in my old system there simply were no yields "in the middle" of sends... it would wait until it could atomically enqueue an entire packet before doing it.

Any suggestions? Am I forced to switch to message-passing and such even though I have no need for true multithreading/concurrency here?

OK, the main problem is, as you said, with yielding and the resulting possible fragmentation of the data stream. I see how it would be possible to add some kind of queue or a temporary lock that yields until all other fibers have finished writing, but there is still a large probability (for most applications) that high level code introduces race-conditions above the packet (or send()) granularity level. The other reason is that multi-threading is actually supported and the TCPConnection is typically only usable with one thread at a time (because the events only arrive in one thread).

But a simpler alternative to a message queue is to use a vibe.core.mutex.Mutex, which interacts gracefully with the event loop and then lock and aquire the connection only during a send:

auto mutex = new Mutex;
auto conn = connectTcp(...);
// ...
void sendPacket(...)
  auto lock = ScopedLock(mutex);
  scope(exit) conn.release();

Probably this usage pattern is useful in general. A template wrapper that does this could be added:

AutoLock!TcpConnection auto_lock_conn = AutoLock(connectTcp());

// locks and aquires

// or maybe
auto_lock_conn.performLocked((scope TcpConnection conn){ conn.write(...); });

// or (lock is scoped and non-copyable)
auto lock = auto_lock_conn.lock();

(But the name could be better...)

Btw. do you need to guarantee the same order of packets for all clients? If so, I think a message queue or a kind of mutex is needed anyway. Of course, it's possible to handle out-of-order packets on the receiver side, just wondering.