On the server, when I get a GET query, the query parameters are in a
nice dictionary "query".

Let's say I have code in my diet template that I want to modify ONE of
those parameters, and generate a new query. This seemingly trivial task
has a lot of pitfalls!

I was wondering if vibe.d has a function to generate the query portion
of the GET request? It would be super-handy inside a diet template where
writing code and sub-functions isn't always easy.

Like for instance, let's say I have a url like so:


and then it maps to:

void getFoo(Nullable!int a, Nullable!string b, Nullable!float c)

Inside the diet template, using form controls or whatever, let's say I
want to modify only b, but then generate the updated url based on what
got passed in for a and c.

Anything that handles that?
