Good day.
Sorry for translate. English is not my native language.
I want to create a web interface for my non-D application.
I try to put "" example into the dll.
After calling DllListenStart in main app i get Exception E0440001.
"Simple echo server" from works fine in dll.
Vibe.d can work within the dll. Or am I on the wrong way?

Exported function DllListenStart.

import vibe.appmain;
import vibe.http.server;
extern (Windows)
	void DllListenStart()
		auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
		settings.port = 8888;
		settings.bindAddresses = ["::1", ""];
		listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest);


"dependencies": {
	"vibe-d": "~master"

Thank you for help.