Am 03.11.2013 15:55, schrieb Stephan Dilly:

On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:16:06 GMT, Stephan Dilly wrote:

On Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:53:46 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Well after this timeout all kinds of exceptions are thrown from inside vibe.d... for example some stuff i see when using "--vv" cmd line:
And the first two exceptions are:
And sometimes there is an AccessViolation too...

Hope you can find something in there... Seems pretty tedios that this solution does not work and that I have to start an additional timer to do the timeout...

pretty please ... ?! ;)

Okay, I've finally tracked down the causes for this. The assertion was
an associative array bug for which there is a workaround now. The crash
was took a while to track down because there were no usable call stacks
and fiber switches were involved, which made single-stepping through the
code a bit more difficult.

Both issues are fixed on git master now and the example seems to run
fine now.