Still not sure why this doesn't work. However, I took a look at the
vibednews source code and found readLine() in stream.operations. That
seems to work better for the intended function.


On 2013-10-28 22:58:39 +0000, Shammah Chancellor said:

I'm trying to include support for telnet in order to allow legacy
clients to connect to my game server -- but it seems that readAllUTF8
doesn't return? I'm at a bit of a loss.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

I have the following code in my static this()

runTask(() {

  listenTCP_s(6969, &initiateTelnet, settings.bindAddresses[0]);// 

This blocks, so we need to run it as a task.


listenHTTP(settings, router);

And then initiateTelnet processes text based commands in a similar
fashion to the WebSockets handler.

intiateTelnet then does the following:


Json JsonMsg;

        auto msg = socket.readAllUTF8();
        writefln("Do we ever receive a message?", msg );
    mh.handleMessage( msg );
catch( Exception ex )