On Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:26:28 -0400, Shammah Chancellor wrote:

Anybody have a good way to authenticate websockets at the moment? Will
the session handler automatically handle them if it's turned on?

Also, one thing I don't like about the current websockets setup is the
need to wrap the websocket handler to be able to get at the request

As in : https://github.com/schancel/gameserver/blob/master/source/app.d

The most straight forward solution for authentication in general is using the fall back feature of the UrlRouter:

auto router = new URLRouter;
// ... register all public routes...
router.any("*", &authenticate);
router.get("/ws", &handleWebSockets(&wshandler));
// ... register other protected routes...

void authenticate(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
	bool authenticated = ...;
	if (authenticated) return; // fall through to protected routes
	else res.redirect(...); // redirect to login page

Maybe with a special path for req.requestURL == "/ws" that sends an error code back for web sockets instead.

I'll add a read-only WebSocket.request field that contains the originating HTTPServerRequest (nothing speaking against that, just nobody has needed it, yet).