I solved my problem by adding this function and calling it instead of connectWebSocket call.

	Returns a WebSocket client object that is connected to the specified host.
WebSocket simpleConnectWebSocket(URL url, const(HTTPClientSettings) settings = defaultSettings)
@safe {
	bool use_tls = (url.schema == "wss") ? true : false;
	url.schema = use_tls ? "https" : "http";

	/*scope*/auto rng = secureRNG();
	auto challengeKey = generateChallengeKey(rng);
	auto answerKey = computeAcceptKey(challengeKey);

	HTTPClientResponse res = requestHTTP(url,
		(scope req) {
			req.method = HTTPMethod.GET;
			req.headers["Upgrade"] = "websocket";
			req.headers["Connection"] = "Upgrade";
			req.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
			req.headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = challengeKey;
	auto key = "sec-websocket-accept" in res.headers;
	enforce(key !is null, "Response is missing the Sec-WebSocket-Accept header.");
	enforce(*key == answerKey, "Response has wrong accept key");
	auto conn = res.switchProtocol("websocket");
	auto ws = new WebSocket(conn, null, rng);
	return ws;