On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 13:14:17 -0400, S wrote:

In parseJsonString, the following code produces an Error in certain
circumstances which is not easily caught. Since I am accepting
json objects from users, it would be nice if this was changed.

for example the string "{"x": fo}" will crash this because the enforce
message does not check to see if there is 5 characters to report.
This is used throughout some of the other cases as well.

switch( range.front ){

case 'f':
	enforce(range[1 .. $].startsWith("alse"), "Expected 'false', got 

'"~range[0 .. 5]~"'.");

ret = false;

How should I submit these in the future/patches? Also, it seems like
some things have been fixed in git, but ~master doesn't have them. How
do I get my project to use the cutting edge with dub?

Thanks much!

Thanks, I'll fix that right away. To get the latest version a manual "dub upgrade" should work. Alternatively, you can also "git clone" the repository manually and add it to dub using "dub add-local". You can then use git to update or revert to older versions when needed.

WRT issues/patches see my other reply: http://forum.rejectedsoftware.com/groups/rejectedsoftware.vibed/thread/4996/#post-5038