On Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:02:16 -0400, S wrote:

On 2013-09-30 10:24:58 +0000, Jack Applegame said:

I see, Sönke already fixed it.

Sorry, I got the same issue earlier today and didn't notice the thread here, yet.

Can you point me in the right dirrections for submiting bugs and
patches? I've been out of the open source software development world
for awhile. Seems like things have changed a bit. I intend to use
vibed for a pretty large project, and want to contribute some patches
as I find things.

You can submit bug reports on the github issue tracker. The best way for submitting patches is using git pull requests. If you are not familiar with those, the general approach is:

  1. login on github
  2. click the clone button on the vibe.d page
  3. run "git clone git@github.com:<your username>/vibe.d.git"
  4. make the changes locally
  5. "git commit" + "git push"
  6. click the "create pull request" button on your cloned version of the github repository

Later on instead of 1.-3. you can do "get pull --rebase" to bring your clone up to date before making new chages/pull requests.

Thanks for reporting the issue!