Am 20.09.2013 19:57, schrieb Craig Dillabaugh:

On Fri, 20 Sep 2013 06:16:03 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Thanks. Everything works up to the last step where I get the following:

source/app.d(137): Error: template instance shapes!(map(deserializeBson!(Shape))) shapes is not a template declaration, it is a variable
source/app.d(137): Error: template instance shapes!(map(deserializeBson!(Shape))) shapes is not a template declaration, it is a variable

Where line 137 is the line Shape[] ret =!(deserializeBson!Shape).array, which I figure I should be able to fix, but I have no idea where the map!(...).array bit comes from.


The error message looks strange, but map() is in std.algorithm and
array() in std.array, so if any of those are not imported, maybe
that somehow causes them.

Otherwise this is the equivalent using a loop:

Shape[] ret;
foreach (bs; shapes) ret ~= deserializeBson!Shape(bs);