Am 07.08.2017 um 11:21 schrieb holo:


I'm trying to use Auth framework with REST api.

Is it possible to use it with registerRestInterface? According to description under: it should be available on both Web and REST.

Here is my example code and compilation errors bellow:


  AuthInfo authenticate(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res) @safe
		if (!req.session || !req.session.isKeySet("auth"))
			throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.forbidden, "Not authorized to perform this action!");

		return req.session.get!AuthInfo("auth");


And im getting such errors:

ms-frontpage ~master: building configuration "application"...
../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.31/vibe-d/source/vibe/http/server.d(286,33): Deprecation: alias diet.traits.FilterCallback is deprecated - Use SafeFilterCallback instead.
source/app.d(14,31): Error: cannot create instance of interface IfOAuthAPI
source/service/oauth.d(35,8): Error: @safe function 'oauth.OAuthAPI.authenticate' cannot call @system function 'vibe.http.session.Session.opCast'
source/service/oauth.d(35,44): Error: @safe function 'oauth.OAuthAPI.authenticate' cannot call @system function 'vibe.http.session.Session.isKeySet'
source/service/oauth.d(36,10): Error: @safe function 'oauth.OAuthAPI.authenticate' cannot call @system constructor 'vibe.http.common.HTTPStatusException.this'
source/service/oauth.d(38,34): Error: @safe function 'oauth.OAuthAPI.authenticate' cannot call @system function 'vibe.http.session.Session.get!(AuthInfo).get'
dmd failed with exit code 1.


Can you try replacing the @safe with @trusted for the authenticate
method above? The API in vibe.d 0.7.x is not yet annotated with @safe,
so the compiler will complain when it is called from an @safe context.

Alternatively, you could try upgrading to 0.8.0, which is fully @safe,
but that could lead to warnings in other areas of your because not all
code is @safe. In the long run, this is definitely the way to go,
though, since memory safety is so critical for public server applications.