On Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:14:14 GMT, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

db.images.find( { }, { title: 1 } )

An associative array is required on the D side instead of the JS object:

images.find(Bson.EmptyObject, ["title": 1]);
db.images.find( { title: /Dog/ }, { title: 1 } )

I've never used a regular expression, so this may not work. But I would expect this to be equivalent:

images.find(["title": BsonRegex("/Dog/", "")], ["title": 1]);
// or maybe:
images.find(["title": BsonRegex("Dog", "")], ["title": 1]);

Running mongod with verbose logging turned on can give a hint (or, ultimately, using WireShark). I'll look into that if none of those doesn't work.