While I'm quite enjoying vibe.d, I find myself wanting ddbc and hibernated to work like shown in the talk at dconf. RIght now using dub to install ddbc gives me this error:

../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.9/source/mysql/connection.d(255): Error: no property 'acquire' for type 'vibe.core.net.TCPConnection'
../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.9/source/mysql/connection.d(256): Error: no property 'release' for type 'vibe.core.net.TCPConnection'
../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.9/source/mysql/connection.d(257): Error: no property 'isOwner' for type 'vibe.core.net.TCPConnection'
../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-0.0.9/source/mysql/connection.d(258): Error: no property 'isOwner' for type 'vibe.core.net.TCPConnection'

This doesn't seem like a configuration error on my part, but hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.