I'm quite new to vibe.d and I am somewhat stuck in the error handling machinery of vibe.d. I hope that you will be able to push me along in the right direction. Any help would be appreciated.

Currently, I am working on a REST API which returns a range of different JSON formatted structs. This is pretty much identical to the example on http://vibed.org/docs:

import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.core.log;
import vibe.http.router;
import vibe.http.server;
import vibe.web.rest;

struct Weather {
	string text;
	double temperature; // °C

interface MyAPI {
	// GET /weather -> responds {"text": "...", "temperature": ...}
	Weather getWeather();

	// PUT /location -> accepts {"location": "..."}
	@property void location(string location);

	// GET /location -> responds "..."
	@property string location();

class MyAPIImplementation : MyAPI {
	private {
		string m_location;

	Weather getWeather() { return Weather("sunny", 25); }

	@property void location(string location) { m_location = location; }
	@property string location() { return m_location; }

shared static this()
	auto router = new URLRouter;
	router.registerRestInterface(new MyAPIImplementation);

	auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
	settings.port = 8080;
	listenHTTP(settings, router);

	// create a client to talk to the API implementation over the REST interface
		auto client = new RestInterfaceClient!MyAPI("");
		auto weather = client.getWeather();
		logInfo("Weather: %s, %s °C", weather.text, weather.temperature);
		client.location = "Paris";
		logInfo("Location: %s", client.location);

My problem is that the endpoints, e.g. getWeather() may need to communicate that an error has occurred.

Assuming that Weather getWeather() gets a properly formatted GET request, how do I return a JSON formatted error struct in stead of a Weather struct if some internal check in getWeather() fails?