Am 31.05.2012 19:27, schrieb Richard Kubina:

Hi, total noober here.

in my app.d i have added this function:

int hello(){
return 3;

//end can i call this function in my index.dt? I tried:

block body
h1 Example page - Home
p hey #{hello()}

did i miss the example in your documentation on the website? i got some
simple addition to work, but i can't call a function.

thank you

You need to make the function visible to the template first. There are
three possibilities for this:

  1. inside the template, import the module that defines the function:

    block body

    - import mymodule;
    h1 Example page - Home
    p hey #{hello()}
  2. Pass the function as a template argument to res.render() - note that
    res.render() has some issues in DMD 2.059 and I wouldn't recommend to
    use it yet:

    res.render!("home.dt", hello);

  3. Do the equivalent with res.renderCompat():

    res.renderCompat!("home.dt", "hello")(Variant(&hello));

I've added a ticket for the website to remember adding an example to the
