I tried making a test class and see if I can use this kind of syntax

class Db {
	static MySQLClient client;

	shared static this(){
		client = new MySQLClient("");


	static void test (string s=""){
		auto conn = client.lockConnection();
		int[] ids = [28, 4, 3, 5, 8, 13];
		conn.execute("select name, email from users where id in " ~ ids.placeholders, ids, (MySQLRow row) {

For some reason this works, but it executes twice, I can see output being written twice:

and when I press ctrl+C it shows an error that loops saying:

InvalidMemoryOperationError@src\core\exception.d(679): Invalid memory operation

Can you provide any other example on how you used this? aside from the void usedb() on the readme.

I wanted to wrap it inside a class so that other classes can use it as well without additional allocation

should I just go with?

auto db = new DB();
db.query("querying stuff");

but the "new" keyword always allocates, right?