I'm trying to exchange data between websockets, following webchat tutorial and a old post.

The route that handles web socket connections is:

void getWS(scope WebSocket socket) {
      logInfo("Web.getWS \t\tstart getWS");
      auto t = runTask({
         while (socket.connected) {

      while (socket.waitForData) {
          auto message = socket.receiveText();
         if (message.length) {
            logInfo("Web.waitForData \t\t%s", message);
         } else {
            logInfo("no data");
      logInfo("Web.getWS \t\tdisconnected.");

It works, but if I reload the page (with ctrl-R in Firefox) the program exits with message:

Program exited with code -11

Here in github the complete project.

Where am'I wrong?

Thanks for your help.