On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 22:24:52 GMT, Rey Valeza wrote:
Can anyone point me to an example of sending email through Gmail?
import vibe.vibe;
import vibe.mail.smtp;
import vibe.stream.tls;
class Mailer
SMTPClientSettings settings;
this(const string host, const ushort port, const string username, const string password)
settings = new SMTPClientSettings(host, port);
settings.connectionType = SMTPConnectionType.startTLS;
settings.authType = SMTPAuthType.plain;
settings.username = username;
settings.password = password;
settings.tlsValidationMode = TLSPeerValidationMode.validCert;
~this() {}
public void sendEmail()
auto mail = new Mail;
mail.headers["Date"] = Clock.currTime(PosixTimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam")).toRFC822DateTimeString();
mail.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain;charset=utf-8";
mail.headers["From"] = "<noreply@example.com>";
mail.headers["To"] = "some_user@example.com";
mail.headers["Subject"] = "a subject";
mail.bodyText = "Some body text";
sendMail(settings, mail);