On Wed, 22 Apr 2015 16:48:10 GMT, Charles wrote:

That said, it only loads correct about half the time (probably a bit less). For some reason it returns a 200 OK message before the page finishes loading one the diet templates. I do not have this problem when I'm not using std.parallelism and I just run the queries serially.

A bit more on what appears to be going on when it fails:

  1. I run through the first five queries using scopedTask as I've described.
  2. The last query I have running in the main thread.
  3. Page begins to load the diet template.
  4. It may or may not load every row from each query, seemingly non-deterministic.
  5. Sometimes execution stops, and the template ceases loading other blocks completely.

For instance, on the following code, it'll never load the blocks scripts:

block datatable
    table#dataTable.display(cellspacing="0", width="100%")
                th ID
                th Name
                th Creator
                th State
                th Stage
                th Actions
            - foreach (row; data)
                - auto rowArr = row.toAA;
                tr(data-username='#{rowArr["username"]}', data-project='#{"project"}', data-state='#{rowArr["state"]}', data-workflow='#{rowArr["workflow_name"]}')
                    td.text-center #{rowArr["sim_id"]}
                    td #{rowArr["sim_name"]}
                    td.text-center #{rowArr["username"]}
                    td.text-center #{rowArr["state"]}
                    td.text-center #{rowArr["stage"]}
                    td.text-center Not Implemented Yet
block scripts

It does seem to consistently load an entire row each time it begins a row.