On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 15:19:19 GMT, Flamaros wrote:

On Fri, 14 Nov 2014 12:56:21 GMT, Mathias LANG wrote:

Could you provide more info about your use case / what you are trying to achieve ?

I want display a banner with various messages corresponding to the status code:
200 successfully registered
201 operation failed
409 email already registered

So you have user-facing code on page A, which will request this API and display the banner according to the API return code, am I right ?

Then you can just throw HTTPStatusException with 201 or 409 in the API. 200 Will be the default. However, you should not use 201 to notice of a failure. 200's are success codes. 400's are for client error, and 500's for server error. So you should probably replace 201 with 400.