Hi Folks,

Currently I am trying to get used to vibe.d REST framework, but have a
couple of questions.

I want to POST some JSON data through the API, but looks like I need to
specify all possible parameters with the function, for example:

import vibe.appmain;
import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.http.rest;
import vibe.http.router;
import vibe.http.server;
import vibe.data.json;

interface API

@path("register") @method(HTTPMethod.POST)
Json postRegister(string a = null, int b = 0);


class MyAPI: API

Json postRegister(string a, int b)
    Json j = Json.emptyObject;
    if (a !is null)
        j["a"] = a;

    return j;


shared static this()

auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = 8080;

auto routes = new URLRouter;
registerRestInterface(routes, new MyAPI);

listenHTTP(settings, routes);


This looks OK, but suppose I have many fields associated with DB table
in backend, or I have sub-object in the JSON data, I would prefer to
process the POSTed data inside the function, not as function parameters.
So I wonder if I could get Json as a parameter.

The other thing is, with above example, if I want to set 'null' to field
"a", like {"a":null}, it doesn't accept it, like:

curl -k -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST -d

'{"a":null,"b":1}' 'http://localhost:8080/api/register'
500 - Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

Internal error information:
Got JSON of type null
, expected string.

There are two issues here. First I cannot set 'null' explicitly in any
fields. Second, for integer value, apparently it does not allow 'null'
as default in function declaration, so if I don't put the field in
POST/PUT data, it will fall back to default integer value, while I
expect to leave the value if unspecified.

