Am 24.10.2014 23:23, schrieb Etienne Cimon:

On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:08:33 GMT, WhatMeWorry wrote:

I just started to dip my toes into vibe.d and I tried to stay
on the beaten track. I downloaded vibe zip, and did the "First
Steps" as recommended:

$ cd /path/to/my/projects
$ dub init <project-name> vibe.d

Hey there,

You should install DMD 2.066 first, from

You should also install dub 0.9.22 from

The best way to get vibe.d is to use dub and fetch it, I suggest version 0.7.21-rc3.

dub fetch vibe-d --version=0.7.21-rc.3

You can see a list of versions here:

Then you can build a project using dub init vibe-d and run dub run with it... You also could have specified the version in the dub.json, by changing it from ~>0.7.19 to 0.7.21-rc.3

You can also check the examples in the fetched folder.
cd /root/.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.21-rc.3/examples/download/
dub run

Good luck to you!

To explain the error, it happened particularly, because vibe.d 0.7.20
isn't compatible with DMD 2.066, which accidentally introduced some
breaking changes. It also used the ~master branch of the OpenSSL
bindings instead of a versioned tag, and there are currently compile
fixes pending. 0.7.21-rc.3 uses a known working version tag instead.

Sorry for the inconvenience, the situation should be back to normal shortly.