
Is it possible not to loose precision when sending double value ?

In the exemple below I have 44.000083 and the result I get from vibe is 44.0001.
It seems that it use the default to!string to represent double.

It seems to work find when sending values to vibe, I don't loose any precision.

import vibe.d;
import vibe.web.rest;
import std.stdio;

string _routes = "";

shared static this(){

	auto router = new URLRouter;
	router.get("/", &displayRoutes);
	registerRestInterface(router, new MyAPIMock());
	foreach(route; router.getAllRoutes()) {
		_routes = _routes ~ route.to!string();
		_routes = _routes ~ "\r\n";
	auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
	settings.port = 8080;
	listenHTTP(settings, router);


void displayRoutes(HTTPServerRequest req,
                   HTTPServerResponse res) {

interface MyAPI {
	@property double getDouble();

class MyAPIMock : MyAPI {
			@property double getDouble()
				double result = 44.000083;
				return result;