Am 21.06.2013 23:34, schrieb Andrew Edwards:

I just cloned install dub, initialized the project and set the
dependencies to

 "dependencies": {
         "vibe-d": "~master",
         "libevent": "~master",
         "libev": "~master",
         "openssl": "~master"

Sorry, I was completely blind here*! Just remove all dependencies
except vibe-d and everything should be fine. Recursive dependencies are
supposed to be fetched/managed automatically, but currently there is a
bug where dub has to be invoked twice before they can be resolved (you
probably added those extra dependencies because of an error message,
right?). This will be the first thing I'll fix next.

* Since the package.json looked alright, that caused be to reread all
the other details again and only then I noticed the additional dependencies.