Hey, having some trouble getting up and running with vibe using latest DMD (2.063):

Downloaded dub, created a new project as per the installation docs on the website, copied the simple server example and removed any render calls. Ran DUB in the root folder and got this message (I had already run DUB to install vibe.d, version is 0.7.15):

Checking dependencies in 'c:\cal\D\DSource\newVibe'
Building configuration "application", build type debug
Copying files...
Running dmd (compile)...
.dub\packages\vibe-d\source\vibe\vpm\installation.d(35): Warning: const field with initializer shoul
d be static, __gshared, or an enum
Error: Build command failed with exit code 1

Run 'dub help' for usage information.

I see that the warning is fixed in Git HEAD, but is vibe working with 2.063 currently? Can DUB be forced to use a GIT snapshot of vibe.d?

Thanks alot for any help!