On Fri, 09 May 2014 18:02:59 GMT, Luís Marques wrote:


My site became offline. I logged in to the server and the vibe.d process was not running. I tailed the .log file and the last request was completely normal (a status monitor request). The file to where the stderr is piped was empty (I think; the run script was overriding it on startup, so I can't double check; I changed it to append now). The ulimit for the core dump was set to 0, so if it crashed no core dump was produced. I have now set the core dump limit to unlimited. I don't really know what happened... Hmm.


I guess the core dump is the only way to find out (or directly running it inside GDB, of course). Another possibility might be to use something like backtrace-d (never tried it), to get a proper stack trace on Linux.

In any case, even if everything runs stable, for a single server process of this kind, I'd always set up a watchdog process that restarts the server if necessary. There is also a little tool for simple cases in the registry: forever-d