
I would like to ask about registerFormInterface(). I read several examples (including whats in the unittest) but I would like to get a clear answer:

  1. Does the registerFormInterface makes it so that if I want todo a GET or a POST, I have to do something like class app{void getAccount(...){res.render!("account.dt", req);}} and access it by doing http://example.com/account ? I mean does it turn the account.dt into a accessible page for GET or POST or am I missing something?

  2. Is there a performance difference when using registerFormInterface compare do just registering each url by doing auto router = new URLRouter; router.get("/account",&account); ?

  3. How customizible is the registerFormInterface other than what the examples show? Is there a easier way than using registerFormInterface possibly with user defined annotations to define the url, http method, before the function?

Thank you and sorry if Im not clear. I am typing this late at night because I am still porting more of my code from node.js to vibe.d.