I am currently trying to serve static files...

// this one works
router.get("*", serveStaticFiles("./rcd/static/"));

// this one doesn't work
router.get("/static/*", serveStaticFiles("./rcd/static/"));

Any ideas why the second doesn't work, no files are served, it forwards
to the Error Handler with a 404 Not Found

Also the documentation: http://vibed.org/api/vibe.http.router/URLRouter
should probably be updated, (toDelegate, serveStaticFiles won't work
like that, also conflicts with http.server.fileserver)

Furthermore a search function for the docs would be really helpful, I
hate it when I have to grep through the source to find what I need, this
is normally happens only if the docs are bad, but I wouldn't say the
vibe docs are bad (but no comparison e.g. to flask).