On Fri, 02 May 2014 23:54:28 GMT, Chris Williams wrote:

Based on the documentation, it seems like one can only create a regular HTTP server or a full, 24-7 HTTPS server. Is that correct? Is there any way to configure certain endpoints (like /login) require HTTPS, but continue to allow regular HTTP for other endpoints? Or would I need to run two server to achieve that?

Exactly, you need to call listenHTTP twice for that. You could then use the same router for both as a target and perform a check for the critical paths:

shared static this()
	// share the same router
	auto router = new URLRouter;
	router.get("/", &home);
	router.post("/login", &login);

	// listen once without encryption
	HTTPServerSettings settings;
	settings.sessionStore = new MemorySessionStore; // gets shared with the SSL server
	listenHTTP(settings, &router);

	// and once with SSL/TLS
	HTTPServerSettings sslsettings = settings.dup; // start with a clone of the non-SSL settings
	sslsettings.port = 443;
	sslsettings.sslContext = createSSLContext(...);
	listenHTTP(sslsettings, &router);

void login(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)

    // perform login

void home(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)

void enforceEncryption(HTTPServerRequest req)
    enforceHTTP(req.ssl, HTTPStatus.forbidden);

You could also use the router to make the check, if there are many routes that need encryption:

shared static this()
	// ...

	router.get("/", &home);
	// ... add other routes without required encryption ...

	// catch all requests and thus require encryption for
	// all following routes
	router.any("*", &enforceEncryption);

	router.post("/login", &login);
	// ... add other routes with required encryption ...

	// ...

void login(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
    // just perform login, already made sure to have encryption

void enforceEncryption(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
    enforceHTTP(req.ssl, HTTPStatus.forbidden);