Am 02.05.2014 02:14, schrieb Luís Marques:


I'm having a problem that I did not use to have, using vibe.d + ddb (postgres driver with vibe.d support). I'm not sure with which version of vibe.d or ddb it started with, so I provide details for several vibe.d releases. I did not test with several ddb releases because there is only one release tag, which I actually did help create :-) (it used to use a ~master dependency).

The bug can be exercised with the following program. It should be compiled and run as part of vibe.d, but it does not even require that one does a vibe.d's listenHTTP for the problem to appear (I think):

I've installed PostgreSQL 9.3.4 on Windows and set the password "admin"
for the "postgres" user and updated the parameters for the PostgresDB
constructor. However, I'm always getting a "FATAL 28P01:" error stating
that the password based authentication has failed. Is there anything I'm