On 5/9/13 3:22 AM, Andrew Edwards wrote:

On 5/8/13 8:37 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

On Wed, 08 May 2013 06:51:11 -0400, Andrew Edwards wrote:

I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 but I don't thing that should matter.

Turns out that I have tested only the combinations CentOS+LDC and
Ubuntu+DMD, but Ubuntu+LDC needed the equivalent build fix as
Ubuntu+DMD (putting phobos before libcurl on the linker command line).
The current HEAD now also builds Ubuntu+LDC successfully (tested on
12.04, but 12.10 shouldn't make a difference in this case).

Progress! :)

 andrew@goldeneye:~/dub$ ./build.sh
 Running ldmd2...
 DUB has been built as bin/dub.

 You may want to run
 sudo ln -s /home/andrew/dub/bin/dub /usr/local/bin

But still not there yet:

 andrew@goldeneye:~/dub$ cd ../dtutor
 andrew@goldeneye:~/dtutor$ dub
 Illegal instruction (core dumped)

To complicate things a bit am not on Ubuntu 13.04. Trying everything I
can to make this work. Thanks for your assistance.

should be: I am now using Ubuntu 13.04.
