Am 15.04.2013 15:05, schrieb simas:

Hi, i have installed vibed with git clone ...; ./ and i can't run the examples on my mac. I got:

vela3:rest sin$ pwd

vela3:rest sin$ vibe
/Users/sin/Projekte/vibe.d/bin/../source/vibe/http/fileserver.d(29): Error: undefined identifier hours
Failed: 'dmd' '-g' '-w' '-property' '-version=VibeLibeventDriver' '-I/Users/sin/Projekte/vibe.d/bin/../source' '-L-L/opt/local/lib' '-L-levent_pthreads' '-L-levent' '-L-L/opt/local/lib' '-L-lssl' '-L-lcrypto' '-Jviews' '-Isource' '-v' '-o-' '/tmp/vpm.d' '-I/tmp'

vela3:rest sin$ dmd -v
DMD64 D Compiler v2.062
Copyright (c) 1999-2012 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

I think this is a version missmatch between dmd and current vibed snapshot. Is this a know issue?



I couldn't reproduce the specific compiler error with "hours", but
building with "vibe" was generally broken since some days. I've fixed up
the build script now, added a deprecation message (it will hopefully
disappear some time in the coming months) and now it successfully builds
for me.

Can you retest if you still get that error?