I had a couple ideas for features I'm thinking of submitting pull reqs
for, but I wanted to bring them up and maybe discuss first before
actually going and coding them up:

  1. This one's simple: A callback that gets run on every HTTP request,
    just before the normal handler specified by the UrlRouter is called.
    Useful for any common processing, such as creating a session if there
    isn't already one, timing-out an old session while "keepalive-ing"
    active sessions, logging all requests or just all requests from a
    particular user or IP, etc.
  2. Consider this: A typical http request needs to be handled with a
    fairly strict:
    1. Send headers.
    2. Send exactly one content body.

There's a lot that can accidentally go wrong there. Headers/status can
be set after some piece of content is (accidentally) sent. You can have
a codepath that accidentally forgets to send any content at all (on a
non-HEAD request). You can have a codepath that accidentally sends two
HTML pages. Etc.

Ultimately, each handler (for the most part) needs to guarantee that
for all its code paths, it produces exactly one set of headers and one
content body. To me, that suggests "return value".

So I suggest this: An optional helper-handler that wraps a new type of
user-defined handler in which the user returns an HTTP result instead
of actually sending content and setting status codes directly. It would
work roughly like this:

// In user-code: //////////////////////////////////
HttpResult myHandler(HttpServerRequest req, SafeHttpServerResponse sres)

//res.statusCode = ...; // Error
//res.writeBody(...);   // Error

// Can't screw up by forgetting to send a response,
// or sending two responses, or sending a response
// and then changing a header/status code, etc.
// Also, this is much cleaner/nicer than:
// if(blah)
// {
//     httpNotFound(res);
//     return;
// }
    return httpNotFound();
else if(blah2)
    return httpRedirect("/url/path");

return httpOK("Hello!", "text/plain");


auto router = new UrlRouter();
router.get("/url/path", &safeHandler!myHandler);

// In Vibe.d: //////////////////////////////////
struct HttpResult

int statusCode;
string mime;
string[string] headers;

//TODO: Also support ubyte[] and InputRange.
string content;


HttpResult httpNotFound()

HttpResult r;
r.statusCode = HttpStatus.NotFound;
r.mime = "text/html";
r.content = /+...some default or user-customized page...+/;
return r;


HttpResult httpRedirect(string url, int status = HttpStatus.Found)

HttpResult r;
r.statusCode = status;
r.locationHeader = url;
r.mime = "text/plain";
r.content = "Redirect to: " ~ url;
return r;


HttpResult httpOK(string content, string mimeType)

HttpResult r;
r.statusCode = HttpStatus.OK;
r.mime = mimeType;
r.content = content;
return r;


final class SafeHttpServerResponse

// Wraps a HttpServerResponse, but
// blocks 'statusCode', 'writeBody', etc.
// Or maybe Response is entirely omittable?


void safeHandler(alias userHanderDg)(HttpServerRequest req,
HttpServerResponse res)

HttpResult result = userHanderDg(req, new


// Send header/status/content on behalf of user's handler.
res.statusCode = result.statusCode;
res.headers = result.headers;
res.writeBody(result.content, result.mime);


I'm already doing more-or-less that in my own Vibe.d apps, but I think
it would be a good thing to have in Vibe.d proper. Your thoughts?