Am 13.03.2014 20:48, schrieb Etienne Cimon:

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:58:23 GMT, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:00:20 GMT, Etienne Cimon wrote:

On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 09:02:14 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 13.03.2014 01:34, schrieb Etienne Cimon:

On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 22:50:03 +0100, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

If you ever have a situation where you are certain that it is safe to
pass some data to another thread, you can also use cast(immutable) or
cast(shared) to talk the compiler into accepting it, but of course
this is unsafe and not recommended practice.

Do you think casting a struct as immutable would perform better than using makeIsolated on a class however? (I never managed to make a struct isolated)

I forgot about isolated, so yes that may be a better choice than
shared, if applicable. For pointers to struct, you can use
assumeIsolated for now, but I'll also adjust makeIsolated to work
for structs.

So I tried assumeIsolated on a struct pointer as a immutable(Struct)*, after a lot of trial and error I guess I can report on the general behavior.

First, it fails at private string isolatedAggregateMethodsString(T)() complaining that there's no members to loop from in foreach( mname; __traits(allMembers, T) ), I had to add static if( __traits(compiles, __traits(allMembers, T)) ) before the loop to get past that.

Then, it returns an IsolatedRef!(immutable(Struct)**) which doesn't pass the static assert(isWeaklyIsolated!(FieldTypeTuple!T)) in private struct IsolatedRef(T). So I removed that assert.

Finally, when I try to send it, it'll take another pointer from it and my types become conflictual with unsafeGet.

I'll just keep on moving isolated classes for now :-P

Should work now with 3d8bbb1. But always beware of the issue that destructors are never called for GC allocated structs.

For some reasons I was hoping for the structs to be able to stay on the stack =)

They can! There is actually no need to make a struct explicitly
isolated, because it's passed by value anyway. Just all members of the
struct need to be either POD or immutable/shared/isolated. Isolated is
really just interesting for reference types.

There's still an error when trying to send: Error: no property 'move' for type 'Message'

Here's what I'm doing:

auto isol = makeIsolated!Message(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2], cast(string)msg[3]);

it works fine if Message is a class though

This is actually a side effect of the above. I'm not sure if the current
solution is optimal, though. Maybe it should throw an error instead.
What happens now is that makeIsolated!Message() verifies
isWeaklyIsolated!Message and then simply returns a value of type
Message. To create an isolated reference, makeIsolated!(Message*)()
is necessary.