On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 20:03:22 GMT, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

Since, I figure someone may ask what classifyTask does here it is:

 void classifyTask( ulong[] band_list, 
		   string classifier, 
		   string classifier_config, 
		   string image_dir,
		   ImageDB src_image )
    string[] classify_args;
    classify_args.length = 4 + band_list.length;    
    tileDesc tl = src_image.tiles;
    classify_args[0] = "../bin/classify";
    classify_args[1] = "cluster"; //Currently only supported classifier
    classify_args[2] = g_config.tmp_dir ~ "isoclus.out.json";
     foreach( int t_x; iota( 0, tl.xTileBaseCount()  ) ) {
	foreach( int t_y; iota( 0, tl.yTileBaseCount()  ) ) {
	   classify_args[3] =  g_config.tmp_dir ~ "class/" ~ 
			       rawTileName( src_image.nextId(), t_x, t_y);
	   foreach(idx, bnd; band_list ) {
	      classify_args[4 + idx] = image_dir ~ rawTileName( to!int(bnd), to!int(t_x), to!int(t_y) );
           debug {
	       foreach( str; classify_args) {
	           std.stdio.write(str, " ");
	   auto cpid = std.process.spawnProcess(classify_args);
	   std.process.wait(cpid); //wait until its done to proceed.
      logInfo("Classification complete: " ~ Clock.currTime.toISOExtString() );

Is it possible that something I am doing in my classifyTask() function is blocking the server response?

The std.process.wait is the evil call here. There are two possibilities to solve this: