Hello!I'm using d-apt in order to install dmd and vibe (my OS - Debian Squeeze).


Vibe refuses to start with the following reason:

/opt/vibe/source/vibe/core/args.d(50): Error: undefined identifier getgrgid, did you mean function getgruid?

Line 50 of args.d looks like:

enforce(getgrgid(gid) !is null, "Invalid group id!");

So i guess, dmd can't find the declaration of getgrgid while it parses this line.
Slightly above in the same module, I found the following:

static if( __traits(compiles, {import core.sys.posix.grp;}) ){
	import core.sys.posix.grp;
} else {
		struct group
			char*   gr_name;
			char*   gr_passwd;
			gid_t   gr_gid;
			char**  gr_mem;
		group* getgrgid(gid_t);
		group* getgrnam(in char*);

I can see that static if condition is satisfied and module just imports core.sys.posix.grp, in which i found the commented out declaration of getgrgid() and something :(

struct group
    char*   gr_name;
    char*   gr_passwd;
    gid_t   gr_gid;
    char**  gr_mem;

group* getgrnam(in char*);
group* getgrgid(gid_t);


This problem can be temporarily resolved in a number of ways (or crutches), but maybe there is already an optimal solution, or "developer recommendations" or just a sensible idea?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Sorry for my english.